Week 4 Write-a-thon update

1113 words!

Less than last week, but there is a lot of family stuff going on (and work. don’t talk to me about work) so I’m actually really glad to have been able to to get the words done. Again, thank you all.

In addition to writing, I hit Cat Rambo’s online class on Steampunk and the Weird West, and came away with better context for the genres and a list of several more books to read. Her class list for the summer is up here. I’m taking the one on Writing and Gender after WorldCon.

(A brief pause, here, to contemplate the fact that (1) we are in the summer, and (2) Helsinki is less than a month away, oh god.)

I also got two rejections (both in the last twelve hours, so I haven’t had a chance to send the stories back out) and drafted a new story this week. Story resubmission might get left until tomorrow; today is going to be pretty hectic.

As before, my Clarion West Write-a-thon profile is here.