Writing is easy. Rewriting…

Rewriting is being a bit more difficult.

In addition to the trouble I’ve been having with editing the novel, my rewrites of the novelette that my handwritten draft turned into have been really hard to get into. It’s been a little better this long weekend, but it’s still taking longer than I thought. I’m not entirely sure that the way I’ve rearranged the story is a good one, but I know I’ll be able to better figure that out once it’s actually complete.

On the plus side, I actually did finish the edits for a short story and send them back, so I’m pleased about that. I did spend what might be a ridiculously long time trying to find a substitute for one particular word, and I’m still not sure I made the right decision, but at least the edits are done.

In a perfect, world, with unlimited time (and possibly without the need for sleep) I would spend another few hours on it at least, but unfortunately I only have so much time, and I need to figure out where I get the best returns on spending it.

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